Ports proxy configuration?

Xu Qiang Qiang.Xu at fujixerox.com
Tue May 10 23:45:25 PDT 2005

Kris Kennaway wrote:
>      FTP_TIMEOUT   maximum time, in seconds, to wait before aborting
>                    an FTP connection.
>      HTTP_TIMEOUT  maximum time, in seconds, to wait before aborting
>                    an HTTP connection.
>      All environment variables mentioned in the documentation for the
>      fetch(3) library are supported.  A number of these are quite
>      important to the proper operation of fetch; you are strongly
>      encouraged to read fetch(3) as well.

Ah, here is it: 

     FETCH_BIND_ADDRESS  Specifies a hostname or IP address to which sockets
                         used for outgoing connections will be bound.

     FTP_LOGIN           Default FTP login if none was provided in the URL.

     FTP_PASSIVE_MODE    If set to anything but `no', forces the FTP code to
                         use passive mode.

     FTP_PASSWORD        Default FTP password if the remote server requests
                         one and none was provided in the URL.

     FTP_PROXY           URL of the proxy to use for FTP requests.  The docu-
                         ment part is ignored.  FTP and HTTP proxies are sup-
                         ported; if no scheme is specified, FTP is assumed.
                         If the proxy is an FTP proxy, libfetch will send
                         `user at host' as user name to the proxy, where `user'
                         is the real user name, and `host' is the name of the
                         FTP server.

                         If this variable is set to an empty string, no proxy
                         will be used for FTP requests, even if the HTTP_PROXY
                         variable is set.

     ftp_proxy           Same as FTP_PROXY, for compatibility.

     HTTP_AUTH           Specifies HTTP authorization parameters as a colon-
                         separated list of items.  The first and second item
                         are the authorization scheme and realm respectively;
                         further items are scheme-dependent.  Currently, only
                         basic authorization is supported.

                         Basic authorization requires two parameters: the user
                         name and password, in that order.

                         This variable is only used if the server requires
                         authorization and no user name or password was speci-
                         fied in the URL.

     HTTP_PROXY          URL of the proxy to use for HTTP requests.  The docu-
                         ment part is ignored.  Only HTTP proxies are sup-
                         ported for HTTP requests.  If no port number is spec-
                         ified, the default is 3128.

                         Note that this proxy will also be used for FTP docu-
                         ments, unless the FTP_PROXY variable is set.

     http_proxy          Same as HTTP_PROXY, for compatibility.

     HTTP_PROXY_AUTH     Specifies authorization parameters for the HTTP proxy
                         in the same format as the HTTP_AUTH variable.

                         This variable is used if and only if connected to an
                         HTTP proxy, and is ignored if a user and/or a pass-
                         word were specified in the proxy URL.

     HTTP_REFERER        Specifies the referrer URL to use for HTTP requests.
                         If set to ``auto'', the document URL will be used as
                         referrer URL.

     HTTP_USER_AGENT     Specifies the User-Agent string to use for HTTP
                         requests.  This can be useful when working with HTTP
                         origin or proxy servers that differentiate between
                         user agents.

     NETRC               Specifies a file to use instead of ~/.netrc to look
                         up login names and passwords for FTP sites.  See
                         ftp(1) for a description of the file format.  This
                         feature is experimental.

     To access a proxy server on proxy.example.com port 8080, set the
     HTTP_PROXY environment variable in a manner similar to this:


     If the proxy server requires authentication, there are two options avail-
     able for passing the authentication data.  The first method is by using
     the proxy URL:


     The second method is by using the HTTP_PROXY_AUTH environment variable:


Particularly, I am interested in two environmental variables: FTP_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY. I may use it as: 
#env FTP_PROXY="hostnme:port" make install clean

Thank you very much, 

Xu Qiang

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