just finished install

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Mon Mar 21 09:45:12 PST 2005

Francis Whittington wrote:

>Hi Paul,
>    Just wanted to say that I am reading as much as I can. UNIX books, 
>freeBSD handbook, websites, manpages, etc. I am 47, have 5 daughters, 
>and work 2 jobs, none of which have anything to do with computers. I 
>bought my first computer in 1998(they had no computer classes when i 
>was in school). I have just gotten interested in learning BSD. Linux 
>would have been okay too, but I read BSD was better. I came on this 
>forum to get a little help when I get frustrated. I do not have all 
>the time in the world for this. Wish i did sometimes. Its 
>relaxing...LOL! Besides...here is better than getting bitched 
>at in #freebsdhelp to go read. Thanks for the suggestions though.
>                                                    fewjr/Buddy

 From time to time we've heard about "mean-ness" (if you will) on
IRC channels.  They aren't official, AAMOF.  On the other hand,
this list is.  This is not to say that you might not occasionally
get "gritched at" on this list, but generally (notice all these
qualifying words) it's not much of an issue, particularly if
you can take the time to do enough research to ask a good
question.  Eric Raymond wrote a classic tome on this:


BTW, welcome to FreeBSD!  Be sure and write back when
you have specific questions.

Kevin Kinsey

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