Can't mount partitions with soft-updates enabled with async option

Matthias Buelow mkb at
Sat Jun 18 21:38:37 GMT 2005

Lefteris Tsintjelis <lefty at> writes:

>I am not sure if I do something wrong here or it is suppose to work that
>way but the async option doesn't seem to work for partitions that have
>soft-updates turned on. Can someone please clarify the difference and if
>the speed difference (if any) is significant when using the async option
>instead of the soft-updates for cases such as the /usr/obj or as a squid
>data storage? Is async preferred over soft-updates when data loss is not
>a big issue?

With softupdates, everything is asynchronous so the option doesn't make
For improving squid filesystem performance, have you mounted the
partition with noatime? That might make some difference.


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