Resizing /var

Doug Poland doug at
Sat Jun 11 14:28:44 GMT 2005

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2005-06-11 15:43, ptitoliv <ptitoliv at> wrote:
>>I have a big problem on a FreeBSD 5.3 Box. It is an hosted server
>>installed by an hosting service. But I didn't know what they smoke when
>>they have installed the system but they sized the /var filesystem only
>>to 200 MB which is not sufficient for my needs.
>>I used an emergency solution which was to transfer some datas on /usr
>>like databases but I am afraid that the problem will come back. So I am
>>asking here if there is any solution to transfer free space from ./usr
>>to /var.
>>But there are some constraints :
>>- I have no free unpartitioned space available
>>- I can't format any partition because and I can't loose datas
>>Is there any solution with some BSD tools in order to solve this problem ?
> None that I know of.  Your best bet is, I guess, to find somewhere
> enough space for a backup, repartition & restore session.
Doesn't it make sense to simply move selectetd directories to a 
partition with free space and create symlinks?  I would think moving 
/var/db and /var/log would suffice for most situations.


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