I can't install netperf

Paul Schmehl pauls at utdallas.edu
Thu Jun 9 18:51:21 GMT 2005

--On Thursday, June 09, 2005 14:17:34 -0300 João Gabriel Sapucahy Chiste 
<jg at inf.ufsc.br> wrote:

> I already have downloaded netperf. I need to run configure before compile.
> But i got that error.
> You have installed netperf before?

No, but I've installed a *ton* of apps from ports, and I'm a port 
maintainer.  I strongly suggest you use the ports system.  All the 
compatibility and porting issues are already taken care of for you.

Just delete what you downloaded, cd to /usr/ports/benchmark/netperf/ and 
type "make install clean" at the commandline, and netperf will install just 
fine, I'm sure.  If you want to know if there are any available options, 
read the Makefile in the netperf directory.

Why reinvent the wheel?

Paul Schmehl (pauls at utdallas.edu)
Adjunct Information Security Officer
University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member

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