Frontpage Extensions on 5.4 - Anyone Gotten It To Work?

Drew Tomlinson drew at
Thu Jul 21 20:44:14 GMT 2005

On 7/21/2005 12:44 AM Patrik Forsberg wrote:

>>When I 
>>run the /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/ script, 
>>it fails 
>>when the script calls owsadm.exe to create the root web.  owsadm.exe 
>>core dumps with a "Bad system call".  I've done a complete removal of 
>>Apache2, Frontpage, and mod_frontpage2-rtr.  Then I've rebuilt but 
>>continue to get core dumps when owsadm.exe runs in the 
>Thats exacly what I did...
>>Is there any hope?  Even if you don't know what the problem 
>>might be, a 
>>simple "I did it with no problem" will at least encourage me to keep 
>Then, yes I did it with no problem what so ever.
Thanks for your reply.  Would you mind posting your exact version of 
FBSD as shown in the uname -a output?  Just want to be sure I am using 
the exact same version.



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