Running KDE 3.4 in FreBSD 5.2.1 ( not found)

John Cholewa freebsd-questions at
Tue Jul 12 20:25:48 GMT 2005

I updated the version of KDE on my box (5.2.1-RELEASE) to 3.4, and I'm 
getting the following result when running vncserver:

 > Could not open library Shared object "" not found
 > /libexec/ Shared object "" not found
 > Could not open library Shared object "" not found
 > /libexec/ Shared object "" not found
 > startkde: Shutting down...

I found that I have, and I tried to find out how I could 
update that file.  I had presumed that updating KDE itself would 
recursively handle it (I cvsup then do make clean && make && make 
install in the port's directory).  But now a web search of this 
particular problem suggests that the only way to fix it is to update the 
entire OS, and I don't want to do that.  Things break when I try to do 
major updates (I had huge nightmares when I upped versions of php and 
perl to 5 and 5.8, respectively), and my server setup is smooth enough 
that I don't want to take any unnecessary risks to get client apps to work.

So is there a port that will provide this file?

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