Make Image of Hard Drive

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Mon Jul 11 03:48:41 GMT 2005

> I recently built a FreeBSD server, and was wondering how I can make an
> image of the hard drive. I am going to build an another FeeBSD server
> using identical hardware. How can I make an image of the hard drive of
> the original server I built and copy/install it to the new server?
> Each server has a 6.4 GB hard drive. Is there a way I can create an
> image then install via the network to a new server in the future if
> need be? Let me know.

My suggestion is to use dump(8) and restore(8).

You can either dump to some media such as tape or pipe it
to a restore over a network connection.

Dump and restore will give you the best results.
You need to do a dump for each file system that you want on 
the new machine.  
You would need to build the filesystems on the new machine first
and then move the files to them.
Check file system sizes - the amount used in each - with df -k
If three is plenty of space available - not yet used, you can
dump to a file on the current machine and then ftp or scp each
dump file to the new machie and restore it in the respective 
file system.


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