How do I reinstall the FreeBSD bootmanager? - next problem :-(

Jud judmarc at
Thu Jul 7 02:38:03 GMT 2005

Bob Willcox wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 10:27:50AM -0500, Bob Willcox wrote:

> Now, to my original problem (that caused me to overwrite the FreeBSD
> boot manager with another that I tried called GAG).
> This particular system has a single 300 GB harddrive installed with four
> Slices (partitions in the DOS vernacular) setup as follows:
> 1   Windows XP (~100 GB)
> 2   Linux swap (~2 GB)
> 3   Linux root (~82 GB)
> 4   FreeBSD (~102 GB)
> With the FreeBSD boot manager (and with GAG) I can successfully boot
> Windows and FreeBSD, but not Linux. It's as though the boot record is
> not being found (geometry problems?).
> Perhaps someone out there has a suggestion on what's wrong, and what
> can be done to fix it.

Linux needs its own bootloader - GRUB and Lilo are the usual options. 
GRUB (in the BSD ports) can also boot all your other OSen.  However, it 
takes some education to configure correctly.  If you want to use GAG or 
the FreeBSD bootloader, then install GRUB or Lilo to Linux root, *not* 
to the MBR.  (The installer for your Linux distro should have an option 
for this.)  GAG or the FreeBSD bootloader will then make GRUB or Lilo 
boot Linux.


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