Alejandro Bonilla abonilla at
Wed Jul 6 21:03:48 GMT 2005


	As maybe you have already noticed, I use Linux, but this doesn't go into
the case.
We are working on getting the IBM HDAPS (Hard Drive Active Protection
System) which is the one that parks the head of your new IBM lappy when it's
on free fall or when there is heavy vibration.

Anyway, if you are interested in looking at making a driver for it, here is
some of the info and what we have so far as per our Linux driver which has
been out for 5 days of development. will be the site for the Project. We can host both FreeBSD and
Linux projects there. I'm not racist like to not have them both there. If
you are interested. I can make a separate mailing list for BSD users.
Current Mailing list is:
Hdaps-devel mailing list
Hdaps-devel at

We have an irc channel #hdaps at

Current ultra beta with no really any information driver is at:

And the documentation that IBM "released" to make a driver is located at:

So, as you wish. This is me only giving data for you to play with things as
much as you can or wish. I just battled with IBM like for 3 months so they
could do something, and they "released" this little info.

If someone makes a driver, and want to host it in the same place, please let
me know. It would be fun.


(Please let me know if this is not the best place to announce this)

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