Strange question about the logo?...

Rembrandt Leliveld leliveld.r at
Sun Jan 30 05:11:39 PST 2005

Hello FreeBSD community!

I have a strange question, I think..... I'm a linux user, and spoken
with someone from the FreeBSD community about FreeBSD and the
stability of the product. I'm also a fan of MacOSX, have three apple
systems and played with Darwin (also based on BSD isn't it?)

Now,.... I'm also a christian. And i was wondering, why is FreeBSD
using a little devil as logo for the community? I really like the
product FreeBSD but,... I feel a bit strange to use software with a
sign of a devil.....??? I know,.. maybe a bit strange, but it is just
a feeling.

Can you tell me why FreeBSD choosed a devil as logo?

Greetings from an upcoming FreeBSD fan.... 

The Netherlands

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