Poor information in ports UPDATING file

Chris Hodgins chodgins at cis.strath.ac.uk
Fri Jan 28 02:56:40 PST 2005


Not sure which list I should email this to...so I apologise for the 
noise if this is the wrong one.

There is a recent upgrade in the ports for the excellent Xfce4 port to 
4.2.  There is also a note in the UPDATING file as how to do this.

AFFECTS: users of x11-wm/xfce4
AUTHOR: oliver at FreeBSD.org

If you use Xorg 6.8.1: Make shure there is an /tmp/.ICE-unix with 
propper rights. For further informations about that, please refer to 
20041229 Please update all your plugins as well when you update from 
4.0.6 to 4.2. They all need recompiling to link against the new xfce 

Maybe I am just too used to the excellent amount of detail in the 
UPDATING file usually but this doesn't even offer advice on how to 
update your plugins.  Every UPDATING file entry I have found useful in 
the past has always had a command you could use to carry out this update 
plus whether you should update your port first then update the dependencies.

For example:
   AFFECTS: users of the linux compatibility environment
   AUTHOR: netchild at FreeBSD.org

   The default linux_base was changed from v7 to v8. You need to update from
   v7 to v8 and rebuild every linux port. To update run:
         portupgrade -rf -o emulators/linux_base-8 emulators/linux_base

   In case you already use linux_base-8 you have to run:
         portupgrade -rf emulators/linux_base-8

It would be nice if this could be ammended to show the full details of 
what is required to update.  I take it you upgrade the Xfce4 port and 
then run an upgrade on the plugins, or will just running portupgrade on 
everything do the trick?


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