Xmms FreeBSD and buzzing or skipping sound

Derek derekm.nospam at rogers.com
Fri Jan 21 10:30:08 PST 2005

Jason Henson wrote:

> Something like hw.acpi.pci.link.0.6.0.irq=16           #irq pcm in /
> boot/loader.conf.  Maybe you could also try changing the pci clock, by
> this I mean the number of tics or cycles a device can control the bus.
> I have mine set to 96.  A number between 96-128 usaully increases
> performance of some pci devices on bench marks I have.  You should
> search for some of them to see if there is a good setting for your pc.

Thanks for your response Jason.  I won't be in a position to test the 
machine until tomorrow, but I'll follow up then.


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