very annoying sound!

Sean rsh.lists at
Sun Jan 16 02:53:52 PST 2005

Chris wrote:
> Sean wrote:
>> I am running kde 3.3 and there is one very annoying sound that I 
>> cannot find where to turn off.
>> Whenever the system bell beeps there is also a sound of someone trying 
>> to clear their throat. It is driving me crazy!
>> I have tried turning all sound on, all sounds off, going through 
>> sounds one by one, resets and default options.
>> I cannot turn this sound off.
>> Can anyone help before insanity takes over?
>> Thanks
>> Sean
> When you finally realize you don't have a sound card and speakers - 
> you'll then know it's the other voices in your head.
> Next - try posting to the KDE list if you're having issues within KDE.
> Now, will whomever is doing all this nonsensical postings either get a 
> life or end it? Are you in that much misery?
> I'm fairly certain this is just a flux of pissed-off Linux users having 
> fun.
Finally repeating the same steps over and over again with the sound 
system managed to turn this damn sound off, so it was not the voices in 
my head.
They tend to more agreeing!

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