Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such as NetBSD!!!

Anthony Atkielski atkielski.anthony at
Fri Feb 11 14:49:04 PST 2005

Joshua Tinnin writes:

> Do you have any proof of malfeasence?

I don't need it.  That's the way copyright normally works; it's not
malfeasance.  In order to protect the project, the status of copyright
in all code written for the project must be very clearly established, in

> Are you planning on suing someone, or is this meant to be useful in
> some way?

It's meant to protect the project from people like yourself who don't
think it can ever happen to them.  I've seen corporations and
individuals burned badly and sometimes put out of business because of
their inability or unwillingness to consider legal issues, and I'd hate
to see that happen to FreeBSD.


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