Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such asNetBSD!!!

Anthony Atkielski atkielski.anthony at
Thu Feb 10 23:11:21 PST 2005

Frank J. Laszlo writes:

> Who says it has to be small?

Business cards and letterheads say that.

Logos are often reproduced at very small sizes, even on large documents.
They often appear in a corner or at the bottom of a page.  Logos are not
used in place of cover art, but they often are a _part_ of cover art.

> Getting back to the point at hand, the beastie is nothing more than a
> mascot. plain and simple. But people are talking like there will be no
> more beastie representing FreeBSD. I dont think this is the point.

What surprises me is that people care so much.  It's the software that's
important, not the cartoon character that represents it.  It makes me
wonder what sorts of priorities people have.  I'd prefer that people
worry more about software quality, and less about pretty pictures.


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