what is stuck here?!

dpk dpk at dpk.net
Tue Aug 23 15:34:04 GMT 2005

On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Fafa Hafiz Krantz wrote:

> hello!
> how come *nothing* happens when i rm -rf directory/?
> it just won't move ...
> top from another terminal tells me:
> 55272 root     116    0 14396K 13768K RUN      0:27 36.13% 35.40% rm
> what? the directory/ only contains a .maildir/, a .muttrc and an empty directory
> it's not an immutable flag that has been set,
> chflags -R nouchg directory/ stands equally still to rm -rf

It's probably busy calculating the list of directory entries to remove. If
you have /proc mounted try:

truss -p 55272

to see what it is doing. If you don't, and you have KTRACE in your kernel,
you can try:

ktrace -i -d -p 55272
kdump -l

to monitor the process.

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