Strange problem with DHCPD

Tim Holmes tim at
Thu Aug 18 01:38:26 GMT 2005

| i recently installed
| net/isc-dhcp3-server<>port
| on my server and when i try to start the service from his script
|  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start he doesn't start.
|  But if i try /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd he work fine.
|  Why ?
| -- 
| Any help would be greatly appreciated.
| regards,
| Carstea Catalin
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If you do a /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ rcvar it will tell you
that you don't have it enabled in your /etc/rc.conf.  Most of these
start up scripts have these.  Sometimes you'll need more than one edit,
and it will point this out to you.


       \./       |     Tim Holmes  --  em at il: tim at
      (0Y0)      |         UIN: 17021091  -- AIM: tdh004

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