Stable server

Nikolas Britton nikolas.britton at
Wed Aug 17 02:38:22 GMT 2005

On 8/16/05, dpk <dpk at> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2005, Carstea Catalin wrote:
> > what version of freebsd do u recomand for a stable server?
> 4.11 is solid, hasn't shown any problems here. 5.4 is the best of the 5.x
> series but we (I mean at my company, not speaking as a FreeBSD rep)
> haven't put it through as much stress as we have 4.11

4.x compared to 5.x will always be more stable
5.x compared to 6.x will always be more stable
6.x compared to 7.x will al....

Do you see a trend? 4.x works now but what about in another year, two
years, or three? Try running the last version of 3.x on today's
hardware and software, 4.x is already having problems with hardware
support. FreeBSD 6 already has a -STABLE and it's first release is
just around the corner, It would be unwise to deploy 4.x unless
specifically needed.... If you need to build the next Mars rover or a
persons life depends on the system working then use 4.x, If your
deploying a new web server or what not you want 5.x, possibly even 6.x
if you can wait another month or two.

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