Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Tue Aug 16 03:25:56 GMT 2005

Ted Thomas wrote:
[ ... ]
> I spent about 30 minutes on the site searching for matches to various 
> parts of the error message, read numerous FAQ's, and generally browsed 
> the installation guides to try and solve this before writing an e-mail. 
> If you or Kris could send me an example of where to search and what to 
> search for to find this, it would be helpful. I was using the search 
> engine at, so I assume that was not the right one.

Well, let's make sure the search thingy for this thread actually includes a 
backreference.  :-)  Go to, click on "Search mailing lists" or 
anything else which takes you to the main search page:

Google also works:


PS: I'd hate to be a webcrawler.

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