madman compilation

albi at albi at
Sun Aug 14 19:45:01 GMT 2005

just started to try to compile madman, a music manager,
( ) on FreeBSD 6.0 BETA-2

after creating the dir /usr/share/qt and some symlinks in there
include -> /usr/X11R6/include/
lib -> /usr/X11R6/lib/

to satisfy the configure-script, it bails out with this (amongst
others) in the config.log :

-o .sconf_temp/conftest_1 .sconf_temp/conftest_1.o -L/usr/share/qt/lib
-lqt-mt /usr/share/qt/lib/ undefined reference to
`pthread_cleanup_pop' /usr/share/qt/lib/ undefined
reference to `pthread_attr_destroy' /usr/share/qt/lib/
undefined reference to
`pthread_attr_init' /usr/share/qt/lib/ undefined reference
to `pthread_exit' /usr/share/qt/lib/ undefined reference to
`pthread_cancel' /usr/share/qt/lib/ undefined reference to

which port [/usr/ports/devel/linuxthreads or /usr/ports/devel/ngpt] is
recommended to install to overcome this problem ?
or is there some kernel-level threading to be compiled ?

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