Need help with Pancho

Glenn Dawson glenn at
Thu Aug 11 19:34:45 GMT 2005

At 05:46 AM 8/11/2005, Phusion wrote:
>I've got some questions about pancho (tftp server). When I install it
>from the ports, how can I make it automatically start on boot?
>Normally with ports it puts a shell script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/. I
>tried to start it by doing the following with no success.
>/usr/local/bin/pancho --config /usr/local/etc/pancho.conf
>Also, I want to just make it a tftp server. Here is my pancho.conf file.
>Let me know, what I am doing wrong. Thanks.

Why not use the tftp server that's part of the base system?


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