installing kernel fails, make is ok

Martin McCormick martin at
Thu Aug 4 18:23:25 GMT 2005

	You might first try making a generic kernel with no
customization and see if that works.  If it does, you might be
accidentally leaving out support for something vital like disk drives
or something else equally vital causing the kernel to not get along
far enough to produce error messages.

	If the generic configuration produces a working kernel, then
start pulling things off and re-making it until you kill it.  You will
then know what actually caused the problem.  If it doesn't tell you
anything at all, it must be rather early in the boot process because a
kernel can usually spit out an error or to to the screen before it

	If you get a working kernel that is not quite what you wanted,
you can at least save the dmesg output and study it to see what
devices are in your computer and make sure that your custom
configuration includes all of them.

"BBB" writes:
>Im having trouble installing my coustom kernel, config and make doesnt say any

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