sound vs. PCIX bus

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Wed Aug 3 21:45:46 GMT 2005

In the last episode (Aug 03), Emanuel Haupt said:
> > Can anyone recommend a sound card for the PCIX bus?
> >      or
> > Can anyone recommend a USB or otherwise attached sound card?
> >      or
> > Some other way I can use mpg123 to make a lot of noise when
> > my server needs some attention.
> i could recommend a solution that doesn't even require a soundcard to
> be notified with a lot of noise.
> have a look at audio/yell (in the ports tree). it can play a short
> tune on your pc speaker.

A much simpler version that doesn't require a port:

#! /bin/sh
echo "t208a+b~a+a-~f+f~e-d" > /dev/speaker

I like C-64 style arpeggio in my alert beeps:

echo "l64cdcdcd" > /dev/speaker
echo "l64<cdefedcc" > /dev/speaker

You could also use the spkrtest program to play some long tunes.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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