5.4: vinum not starting at boot & gvinum lacking functionality

Jukka A. Ukkonen jau at mawit.com
Sun Apr 17 01:08:16 PDT 2005


	Is there any chance we could get either vinum or gvinum to the
	reliability levels that vinum has had on 4.x before 5.4 gets out?

	Now vinum does not start at boot time. Gvinum is still very
	much promise-ware while missing resetconfig, etc. tools for
	managing spindle configurations. Even gvinum man pages and
	other gvinum documents are still missing.

	It is making plain and relatively straight forward OS version
	upgrades awfully hard, if people have to start rebuilding their
	whole volume management environments as a part of the process.
	Currently the only alternative seems to be taking the effort
	to go over to using e.g. gmirror, etc.
	Environments that have been using vinum for volume management
	are now stuck with 4.11 for which support is busily degrading.
	(= New drivers are not coming in. Ports support is becoming
	sloppy, because ports administrators do not run 4.x themselves
	any more.)

	// jau

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