automount usb flash drive?

Todd Shirk ts4short at
Wed Apr 6 12:32:15 PDT 2005

I was trying to figure out how to have a usb flash drive automount
when I plug it in.  I currently have the following line in /etc/fstab

/dev/da0s1  /mnt/usbkey  msdos  rw,-m700,noauto  0  0

and the following in /etc/devfs.conf

perm  da0s1  0666

when I do the following command line command the usb flash drive mount fine

# mount /mnt/usbkey

But, when I'm in KDE viewing media:/  Removable Device (da0s1) is
shown is unmounted.

At the user level command line and in KDE, I receive /dev/da0s1:
Operation not permitted.

I'm not sure if part of the issue is permissions or if I'm missing a
piece for the auto-mounting to happen.

Any thoughts?


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