sound card (was: no subject)

Bill Moran wmoran at
Mon Sep 27 06:50:19 PDT 2004

dani <huko8 at> wrote:

> Hey
> Sorry to steal your time, but I have a seriuos problem.
> I have the Freebsd  4.10 operation system and its runing on
> the i386 platform.
> I have a problem with the sound card. My sound card is on the motherbord
> and i think it is the Realtek'97 sound card.
> I have no drivers and not enough knowledge to install this sound card.
> Please help me with this.
> Thank you.

Please use a subject in your mails.

This section of the handbook should be helpful, if you have specific
problems, feel free to ask the list specific questions about what
you tried:

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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