ntpd problem freebsd 5.3

Dan Rue drue at therub.org
Fri Sep 24 13:20:42 PDT 2004


I have a dual xeon machine on 5.3 beta 5 - and I am getting these ntpd
messages in /var/log/messages non stop since I went up to 5.3:

Sep 23 17:13:41 panther ntpd[467]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
Sep 23 21:29:44 panther ntpd[467]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
Sep 23 21:46:48 panther ntpd[467]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
Sep 24 01:11:39 panther ntpd[467]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
Sep 24 01:45:47 panther ntpd[467]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
Sep 24 02:19:59 panther ntpd[467]: kernel time sync enabled 6001

I googled without luck. 

Here's my (masked) ntpd.conf and rc.conf goodies:

drue at panther:~$ cat /etc/rc.conf | grep ntpd
ntpd_enable="YES"              # Run ntpd Network Time Protocol (or NO).
drue at panther:~$ cat /etc/ntp.conf
# U of Minnesota
peer   ***.***.***.***

drue at panther:~$

FWIW, the time is correct on the machine - I did an ntpd -g to
synchronize it the first time.

Oh, and the other thing is that I have ntp set up the exact same way on
a dozen other machines without problems (same or similar ntpd.conf).

Any ideas what those log messages even mean?


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