DVD question...

Glenn Sieb ges at wingfoot.org
Sun Sep 19 08:47:11 PDT 2004

Vulpes Velox said the following on 9/19/2004 1:48 AM:

>>I'm pretty sure I can find AVI/MPEG editing packages for BSD easy
>avidemux, mplayer, ffmpeg should take care of nearly all of your
Yup--as I said... :)

>>But I'm having a dickens of a time finding something that will let
>>me author DVDs. Any pointing in directions or help would be greatly 
>Try searching the ports tree :P
>man ports
Y'know--I *had* searched the ports tree. I found one package, but it 
wasn't anywhere near 'ready' for primetime.


 From the homepage  "A simple set of tools to help you author a DVD. The 
idea is to be able to create menus, buttons, chapters, etc, but for now 
you can just take an mpeg stream (as created by mplex -f 8 from 
mjpegtools 1.6.0) and write it to DVD."

I figured maybe I was missing something, so I figured I'd ask.

>I've personally have had better luck with mutlimedia and the like
>under freebsd, than I ever have under windows.
Ah, I haven't as of yet.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.  
          ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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