can't start Apache 1.3 server in freeBSD 4.9 release #0

Sujit Dey sujit at
Sun Sep 12 14:29:37 PDT 2004

After installing Apache 1.3, i was configuring in freeBSD following the
procedure mentioned in FreeBSD Handbook( section 23.7 Apache HTTP 
Server). i've tried ServerName (in httpd.conf ) with localhost,, but using "/usr/local/sbin/apachectl start", can't start 
the Apache server. It is giving httpd can not be started. I followed 
same procedure in Windows and able to start Apache server. please 
help me or give me some clue for how to start the Apache server.

httpd log file contails following entry...
[alert] mod_unique_id: unable to gethostbyname()

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