Where to find jw on FreeBSD?

Mikko Työläjärvi mbsd at pacbell.net
Mon Sep 6 13:37:25 PDT 2004

On Sun, 5 Sep 2004, Matt Emmerton wrote:

> I've working on an open source project that recent went through a
> documentation frenzy and now we have a bunch of SGML (XML) docs that we
> reguarly convert to HTML and PDF.
> The person that usually does this runs RedHat and uses a project called 'jw'
> (jadewrapper) which is a nice front-end to all the docbook2xxx routines.
> I'm trying to do this on FreeBSD, and have docbook, jade and sgmltools
> installed from ports yet none of them include 'jw'.
> I know I can use the docbook2xxx routines, but was just wondering if there
> is a port that contains 'jw' or if this is a Linux/RedHat-only script?

Sort-of.  Google leads me to http://freshmeat.net/projects/docbook-utils/,
which points to http://sources.redhat.com/docbook-tools/.


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