passwordless ssh logins _STILL_ not working - help needed.

Joe Schmoe non_secure at
Sun Oct 17 14:45:55 PDT 2004

I am trying to allow _all users_ on CLIENT to login to
SERVER without a password.

IMPORTANT:  I am not interested in user keys _at all_
- at no point in this process should I ever be dealing
with any keys in /home/user/.ssh - I am only
interested in doing this with HOST keys - where I copy
one key between SERVER and CLIENT, and _all_ users on
CLIENT can login to SERVER without a password.  Don't
even mention user keys.

My /etc/sshd/sshd_config is exactly the same on both

#VersionAddendum FreeBSD-20020629

#Port 22
#Protocol 2,1
#ListenAddress ::

# Authentication:

IgnoreRhosts yes
#RhostsRSAAuthentication no
HostbasedAuthentication yes
IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

Further, SERVER has CLIENT in its /etc/hosts.equiv,
and CLIENT has SERVER in its /etc/hosts.equiv

Finally, I have copied the output of
/etc/sshd/ on each system to
/etc/ssh/known_hosts on the other system.  The
permissions on /etc/ssh/known_hosts on each system

2 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel

So that's it.  The options are set in sshd_config, the
keys have been exchanged, hosts.equiv are populated
and permissions are correct.

SO now I go to CLIENT and run:

ssh user at SERVER

and I get a password prompt!!!

So what am I doing wrong ?  Again - NO user keys are
used and I am not interested in user keys _AT ALL_. 
DOn't even mention the /home/user/.ssh directory.  The
goal here is to share one public key between SERVER
and CLIENT and allow _all_ users on CLIENT to log into
SERVER without a password.

So what am I doing wrong ?


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