IP address conflicts

Martin Paredes mapsware at prodigy.net.mx
Sun Oct 3 00:51:03 PDT 2004

> >
> > Well, you could move all of the servers onto a separate network to any
> > of the individual client machines (and make sure that the server
> > network isn't accessible from any of the network ports your clients
> > have access to, clearly).  That way, even if one of your pet idiots
> > decides to 'borrow' a server IP address, the network routing means
> > that all they are going to do is hurt themselves.
> Think of this for a second.  Right now he has maybe 4-5 different servers
> that
> people are putting the IP numbers on.  Once you move all those servers onto
> a
> separate subnet, now all the little twits have to do is put the IP number
> of the gateway router onto their systems, then the entire subnet that ALL
> the servers are on becomes inaccessible.

if you have 20 buildings, you must create 20 subnets as minimun.

try to isolate the public ports (any one can conect) like computers labs rooms 
from the used by people that work in the school (administratives offices)

also, try to isolate floors or rooms so you can arrive to this room and review 
the pc that are connected (the subnet may be of 32 or 64 hosts)

put an special area  (on his own subnet) by building to allow students to 
connect his cumputers.

request help from the labs administrators and the workers of the school to 
watch for person that get pc or laptop inside labs (maybe must search inside 
bags) and if the problem happen, at least you know some faces.


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