bsdtar '--exclude pattern' problems

Tim Kientzle kientzle at
Tue Nov 30 22:20:30 PST 2004

Karol Kwiatkowski wrote:
> Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>>According to the tar(1) manual, the file parameters are supposed to
>>come after all of the option parameters.
> Ah, of course! I don't know why I wrote it wrong (some months ago
> probably). Thank you.

gtar and bsdtar do parse options a little
differently, so a few people may need to
adjust their scripts.

Rationale: gtar requires the GNU
getopt library and exploits a few special
features of that library. bsdtar is designed
to work with several different getopt
libraries, so restricts itself to
somewhat more generic behavior.

Tim Kientzle

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