Updating packages list (using cvsup?)

Rob spamrefuse at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 26 06:38:38 PST 2004

Thomas S. Crum - AAA Web Solution, Inc. wrote:
> Packages are pre-compiled so there is little ability to configure them,
> should you need to. Although I still know many people who prefer using
> packages. Do not use sysinstall to accomplish this.  Also, there is no need
> to 'download or update' your 'packages'.  Simply follow the below command to
> install the current package.
> # pkg_add -r some_package
> I would recommend ports and cvs to anyone.
> Below is a config to install cvsup and run it to update your ports
> collection.  Remember though, ports are not precompiled and you will
> actually need to move into the /usr/ports/whatever_port/whatever_program dir
> to install them.
> # pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui
> # cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile /root/ports-supfile

Or forget about making a copy, and do directly:

  # cvsup -g -L2 -h cvsup.foo.bar /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile


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