Unable to create the partition. Too big?

Nathan Kinkade nkinkade at ub.edu.bz
Thu Nov 18 13:49:24 PST 2004

On Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 10:28:26PM +0100, David E. Meier wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am trying to custom partition my 73GB SCSI hard drive using 5.3. When I
> first create the partions using the Auto Default option I get the
> following table:
> amrd0s1a  /        256MB  UFS2   Y
> amrd0s1b  swap    2022MB  SWAP
> amrd0s1d  /tmp     256MB  UFS2+S Y
> amrd0s1e  /var     256MB  UFS2+S Y
> amrd0s1g  /usr   67085MB  UFS2+S Y
> OK, so far so good but I want bigger /, /tmp and /var partitions. So I
> deleted them and recreated them to the following:
> amrd0s1b  swap    2022MB  SWAP
> amrd0s1a  /        512MB  UFS2   Y
> amrd0s1d  /tmp     512MB  UFS2+S Y
> amrd0s1e  /var    1024MB  UFS2+S Y
> Now, I just cannot create the /usr partition. If fails with: "Unable to
> create the partition. Too big?" Although the top line tells me there is
> 65805MB left which is less than the auto created partition...
> Bug or am I missing here something? Thanks. Dave

This isn't an answer to your question, but I have witnessed this
behvior in the past, probably as far back 4.8.  The only way I was ever
able to get around it was to manually partition the whole thing.
Modifying the auto-created partitions never seemed to work, and I got
the same errors as you.  Fortunately, it's fairly easy to designate 5 or
6 partitions manually.  I don't know, but I would suspect that this is
some type of bug or limitation in the program.  I hope somebody else has
a better answer.

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