how to create /dev/fd/# ?

Eugene M. Minkovskii emin at
Sun Nov 14 20:22:17 GMT 2004

Hi! I'm working under FreeBSD 5.2.1

I was trying to create if-filter for /etc/printcap. So, I writing
some frome handbook:

exec 3>&1 1>&2
/usr/local/bin/gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=$GS_DEVICE \
    -sOutputFile=/dev/fd/3 - -c quit

but, It's does not work --- there not device /dev/fd/3. Whn I
type in Linux

exec 3>&1

in /dev/fd creating new node --- /dev/fd/3. But not in FreeBSD!
Now I am using temporary some work around for my printcap:

/usr/local/bin/gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=$GS_DEVICE \
    -sOutputFile=- - -c quit

Who can tell me: why I can't create /dev/fd/3 (evenly under
root!), and what shell I do for create this?

Sensory  yours, Eugene  Minkovskii
Сенсорно ваш,   Евгений Миньковский

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