problems with sound :[

jason jason at
Wed Nov 10 18:57:47 PST 2004

eodyna wrote:

>hi there again,
>im having trouble trying to get my sound card to work.
>it looks like the driver gets loaded but no sound
>comes out.
>I test this through gnome, running the cd cdplayer
>under the multimedia tab. Ive checked that the volume
>is up through the volume control in the same menu.
>any ideas on how i can fix this?
>Oh im using 5.3
>thanks for your help.
>ps: im not on the mailing list. may you please cc me?
>thanks again
>-- /boot/loader.conf
Does gnome has a sound server or manager?  KDE will try to control the 
sound and you get nothing until you disable kde's internal sound 
server.  Also add some vchans.  To see if it is gnome try to play some 
sound on the command line, without x(gnome) running.

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