BIND9 on 4.10: couldn't open pid file: permission denied

Nelis Lamprecht nlamprecht at
Wed Nov 10 04:54:14 PST 2004

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 13:29:23 +0100, Erik Norgaard <norgaard at> wrote:
> Nelis Lamprecht wrote:
> > Shouldn't you be using the command named -g bind -u bind -t /var/named .... ?
> No, that's bind8. On bind9 '-u bind' sets user _and_ group. -g is
> foreground to catch the output.

Oops my bad. The only other explanation I can think of then is that
the path for the pid file may be specified incorrectly in your
named.conf in relation to your chroot ?

Good luck.


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