X11 security issues???

Rob spamrefuse at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 2 23:32:34 PST 2004

Eric Schuele wrote:
> Hello,
> Not sure if this is an FreeBSD, X, or Fluxbox issue... but thought I'd
> start on this list. Most likely just misconfiguration on my part.
> When I have X/Fluxbox up and running, I can press Ctrl+Alt+<function-key>
> and get to any other ttyv.  This is annoying to begin with but since
> they prompt for pwds... not catastrophic.  However, F1 takes you to the
> ttyv I'm logged in to and this gives you the opportunity to Ctrl-C my X
> session... leaving you standing in my shell!

How do you start your X session?
It seems like you log in via one of the text terminals (ttyv0) and
then start X with the 'startx' command.

Why don't you use xdm with X login instead?
(I suppose you understand this, otherwise you may need some more
guidance on how to set up X).


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