FreeBSD wireless access point (under 5.2.1)

Jason Mann jason-freebsdlists at
Mon Nov 1 02:57:01 PST 2004

Hi folks.

I am trying to set up a FreeBSD wireless access point as per the
instructions in chapter 24.3 of the handbook.

I have successfully done this in the past using FreeBSD 4.8.

My network topology is illustrated here:

My FreeBSD machine has an xl0 wired interface, addressed as, and
a wi0 wireless interface with no address assigned.

It is also running a DHCP server, and my wireless laptop successfully leases

"options BRIDGE" is in my kernel and the following sysctls are set:,xl0

After following the instructions to the letter, I am having the following

1. My wireless laptop can not ping the FreeBSD machine itself.

2. Hosts on my wired network can not ping the wireless laptop, even though
the wireless laptop CAN ping hosts on my wired network.

The fact that my laptop can ping the wired hosts proves to me that there is
no configuration issues with wi0 on the FreeBSD machine.

My googling threw up a few mailing list from other people with the same
problem, and changing the net.inet.ip.check_interface sysctl from 1 to 0 was
suggested. This made no difference to me.

If anyone can shed some light on this problem, it would be much appreciated.



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