PPP takes the system over :(

-=Nihr0M=- nihrom at rambler.ru
Sat May 22 03:51:39 PDT 2004

Hello, I have a 5.2.1-Release.

The problem is, when I start PPP -auto <my_script> and my modem 
when tcp transaction is going (e.g I download a file or open a web 
page...) I'm not able to run any other
program (it seems like comp 'freezes'). That just sux... but when the 
action completes, all htese progs start ...

BTW, my system is Athlon 1200Mhz, 256Megs of RAM, 200 of 2500 mb free 
on HDD, external USR modem

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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