startx kde

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Mon May 17 08:20:26 PDT 2004

> hi all 
> im pretty new to bsd so sorry if this is a stupid question 
> on my linux system i use kde as default desktop and as such when i type
> startx kde starts 
> on bsd i get an xterm the have to type startkde after startx 
> is there a way to do it in one command? 

Yes, put 
   exec startkde
in the users .xinitrc file.

Then startx starts kde rather than whatever is in the system's
default xinitrc (which is way down in   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/)

Or, I guess you could tink that file to make it the systemwide default.
But, better to do it in the user's .xinitrc I think.


> arden 

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