5.1 & mysql problem

darryl at osborne-ind.com darryl at osborne-ind.com
Thu Mar 18 17:01:30 PST 2004

I installed Freebsd 5.1-release.

I then installed lynx from the ports system
without problem.

I then installed apache13 from ports without

When I tried to install mysql323-client.  I did
this by cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql323-client.
I then did a make.  It trundled away for a while,
and eventually errored out.

configure: error: Your compiler cannot convert a 
longlong value to a float!

I tried to install mysql323-server but it errored
out the same way.

Any ideas why it won't compile ?  I checked the
version of gcc the system is using, and the 
man page say gcc-3.2.1.


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