Server automatically Shuts down.

samy lancher washville2003 at
Tue Mar 16 06:33:38 PST 2004

My system does not auto reboot. It just crashes as if some one has pressed the power off button. I think it is surely some thing to do with power supply. I will  open the case and leave for a day. I will also remove one of the CDROM and see what happens. 


Mike Jackson <mj at> wrote:
samy lancher (washville2003 at wrote:
> The system just crashes. After nightly event, when i start the system I see a message "Warning: / was not mounted properly" . It does not happen at the same time every night. This box does not have anonymous FTP. 

I once had a similar situation, and it was caused by an overloaded
power supply. The box would auto-reboot quite regularly. I removed two
cd drives from it and it has not happened since.

I can't say if this is your problem or not, but it's worth considering.


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