amavisd-new postfix issue

Remko Lodder remko at
Wed Jun 30 11:23:03 PDT 2004

dave wrote:

> Hello,
>     Alright, i am still having this issue, and now another has cropped up. I
> am getting an error: "server dropped connection before sending the initial
> smtp greeting."
>     The only thing i can think of is i changed some setting trying to get
> this working. However like before that is the only message i'm getting in my
> maillog. If anyone has any suggestions i've posted my configs for postfix
> and amavisd at:
>     Any suggestions welcome.
> Thanks.
> Dave.

As far as i can see they look okay (but since it involves a lot of lines 
i might overlooked something)

Again the question: What does the postfix mention when you add smtpd -v 
in the (The upper smtpd option that is)

Since that gives verbose information it might tell you _what_ is wrong.

Please try that ;-)


Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at
Reporter DSINet                |remko at
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at

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