Unable to boot FreeBSD (dual-boot)

Gautam Gopalakrishnan thatha at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 07:25:59 PDT 2004


I have a dual boot with Windows 2000 (ad0s1 is windows, ad0s2 is
FreeBSD 5.2.1). I trashed a working dual-boot somehow. Now the
problem is, I get the boot menu listing both Windows and FreeBSD,
but only Windows boots (with F1). Pressing F2 for FreeBSD just
gives a beep.I booted from the fixit cd and ran the commands seen
in the handbook:

# fdisk -B -b /hd/boot/boot0 /dev/ad0
# disklabel -B -b /hd/boot/boot0 /dev/ad0s2

/hd is the temporary directory I created to mount /dev/ad0s2a,
so I guess my slice is still ok.

Please help!


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