Shared Partition?

Renato Marques renato_fbsd at
Thu Jun 17 08:50:12 PDT 2004

I currently dual boot Windos 98 and FreeBSD 5.2.1. The only thing i
do is create first a primary dos and extend partition using a DOS FDISK
and FOMAT and so,
    mount -t msdos /dev/ados1 /mnt/c
    mount -t msdos /dev/ad0s5 /mnt/d
    mount -t msdos /dev/ad0s6 /mnt/e
and even
    mount /dev/ad0s7

    Some time ago, when a tried to make that using fdisk and newfs_msdos
works only ad0s7.
    Hope that helps.

I currently dual boot Windows XP and FreeBSD 5.2.1.  I have files that
are common to both (MP3's and some documents).  Is there a way to create
a partition that can be read by both that would eliminate this double
copy problem?

I thought creating a separate partition woudl work but Windows XP allows
only one visible primary partition and I don't know how to mount a
logical partition with multiple sub-partitions.
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