Apache modauthldap works but REMOTE_USER not there

Konrad Heuer kheuer2 at gwdg.de
Tue Jul 13 07:40:32 PDT 2004

I want to use modauthldap with Apache 1.3.29 to restrict access to some
web pages, especially to some dynamic ones generated by cgi scripts.

LDAP authentication seems to work fine with following .htaccess file:

AuthName    "Realm:"
AuthType    Basic
AuthLDAPurl ldap://localhost:389/ou=users,dc=domain,dc=country?uid
require     valid-user

The problem is: CGI scripts called by the HTML pages in the protected
directory don't see a REMOTE_USER environment variable (GET method), so
they don't know about the current user.

Any ideas? I'd greatly appreciate any help.

Best regards

Konrad Heuer (kheuer2 at gwdg.de)  ____            ___  _______
GWDG                           / __/______ ___ / _ )/ __/ _ \
Am Fassberg                   / _// __/ -_) -_) _  |\ \/ // /
37077 Goettingen             /_/ /_/  \__/\__/____/___/____/

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