Allowing Users To Set Date

Tom McLaughlin tmclaugh at
Fri Jul 9 19:01:12 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 10:50, adstro at wrote:
> Is there a way that I can allow a user to set the system time without allowing them to su to root?  I can do things using sudo, but I was wondering if there was a way without using third party software.
> Thanks
> Adam

sudo is an _excellent_ tool for giving non-root users limited
privileges.  Just because it's not in the FreeBSD base don't hold
anything against it.  I use it on my FreeBSD boxes so I can install
ports and update the machines without needing root.  On my OpenBSD box
(where sudo is part of the base) I set root's shell back to csh, not
tcsh like FreeBSD uses, to make logging in as root so uncomfortable that
it forces me to write a sudo permission for repetitive tasks. :)


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